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J’ai depuis toujours été attirée par tout sujet relié aux domaines des Arts et particulièrement au Dessin et à la Peinture. J’ai poursuivi des études en Arts au CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, ce qui m’a donné l’occasion de me familiariser et approfondir mes connaissances dans plusieurs mediums reliés à la présentation graphique. Il y a plus de dix ans, j’ai suivi une formation avec un Maître Vitrier et depuis, je me concentre à plein temps sur la production de Vitraux, soit au niveau de Conceptions personnelles ou de Projets spécifiques à la demande de clients.
I’ve always been attracted to the Arts and specifically to the related disciplines of Drawing and Painting. In my formative years, I attended courses in Arts at CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, which gave me the opportunity to develop my skills in various mediums related to the graphic arts domain. Just over 10 years ago, I followed a course in stained glass given by a Master artist, and since then, I’m now concentrating full time to the production of stained glass works, whether it be personal Concepts or custom Projects as specifically requested by different clients.
I’ve always been attracted to the Arts and specifically to the related disciplines of Drawing and Painting. In my formative years, I attended courses in Arts at CEGEP du Vieux Montréal, which gave me the opportunity to develop my skills in various mediums related to the graphic arts domain. Just over 10 years ago, I followed a course in stained glass given by a Master artist, and since then, I’m now concentrating full time to the production of stained glass works, whether it be personal Concepts or custom Projects as specifically requested by different clients.